> November 2021 – Rudomain

Rudomain and State University of Economics and Technology (SUET) made a deal about cooperation and partnership

The company “Rudomain” and KryvyiRih State University of Economics and Technology signed memorandumabout cooperation and partnership relations.

“Rudomain” and SUET agreed on consolidation of integrating informative and vocational-guidance events in the educational sphere, to contribute to organization of sport massive and cultural entertainment activity, to create educational, teaching and methodical conferences, seminars, meetings, workshops etc., to give organizational support in realization of ecological, scientific, innovational, social and other projects and programs.

The director of the “Rudomain” company Vladimir Kolos highlighted, that the company is interested in the preparation of talent tool: “Today we’re feeling the lack ofyoung professionals. There are not so many young specialists to work here and around the region. I guess, that this cooperation will be a good foundation to develop new young specialists in our industry.”

“SUET has a powerful analysis in mining and metallurgical industry. We can transform this experience into the capital to firms, that’s why we have similar perspectives, and, what’s the most important, that we see new horizons, because the effect of synergy is exactly possible when the partners are meeting and are putting efforts to achieve common goals”, – commented acting rector of State University of Economics and Technology Andriy Shaykan.

“Rudomain” exposes myths about environmental pollution

There are some rumors, and even frank lies that come from amateurs and pseudo ecologists around the activity of the companies and their impact on the ecology.

That’s why for all who wants to know the truth from first hand information, not a frank lie and twisted facts, “Rudomain” has what to say about its activity and documents, which regulate it.

Firstly, about getting the development license without competition.

In accordance with paragraph 8.1 of order №615 from May 30, 2011 in the version, which was active on the moment of getting the special authorization for subsoil use (as amended and supplemented by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine decision on July 4, 2011 N 751, on January 25, 2012 N 307, on October 17, 2012 N 991, on January 9, 2013 N 24, on January 28, 2015 N 42, on December 16, 2015 N 1173, on February 11, 2016 N 76, on April 6, 2016 N 277, on November 2, 2016 N 775), without an auction the authorization is granted in case of: mining operations, if the claimant implement geological research of subsoil land and counting  subsoil asset deposits that was confirmed by the State Commission on Mineral Reserves (SCMR), on his own funds, and applied documents to get the special authorization not later than during three years after confirmation of stocks, and also the mining operations (for oil-and-gas-bearing subsoil on geological research, including experimental-industrial exploitation of deposits with further oil extraction, gas (industrial exploitation of deposits), if claimant implemented approbation in SCMR on his own funds in case of confirmation of subsoil asset deposits in SCMR during three years, and within the limits of continental shelf and Ukrainian exclusive (marine) economic zone – ten years since the moment of  approval.

“Rudomain” exposes myths about environmental pollution

In 2017 by the company LTD “Rudomain” a contract (agreement) of sale of geological information №64/11 on May 13, 2017 was concluded, and that gave an opportunity to register the form 3-GR (RGVON) in the State Geological Survey and Subsoils of Ukraine, the State Registration Number of object is RDVGN-U-17-329/1 from May 31, 2017 “Geological-economic justification of allocation of a piece of land №2 of the quarry “Yuzhnyi” iron ore deposits in Kirov’s mine (Artem’s field of mine) in the Kryvyi Rih city of Dnepropetrovskyi region. Further by the SCMR protocol № 3977 from June 15, 2017 the asset deposits were confirmed, where it had been decided to test the deposits, that was counted as at January 1, 2017.

On the base on the fact that the company released the testing procedure of deposits on its own funds and submitted an application for consideration and the package of documents about getting special authorization on subsoils to the State Geological Subsoils in advance, after the procedures of testifying the package of the document by the State Geological Subsoils the decision was made of providing a special authorization.

Secondly, about the property complex, that allegedly was acquired without an auction.

In accordance with the protocol of electronic auction UA-PS-2021-02-02-000070-3 from February 28, 2021 LTD “Rudomain” became the winner, because it proposed the best price in the auction setting about lease assignment of the State property – CEC of the State scientific company “Ukrmehanobr”. The result of the auction is lease purchase agreement from March 25, 2021 between the winner of the auction (LTD “Rudomain”) and regional fund of the State Property of Ukraine in Kharkiv, Donetsk and Lugansk regions.

Thirdly, about falsification of the distance from productivity powers of the company to the residential buildings. 

The distance, that was mentioned in the conclusions of the pseudo ecologists, was measured from the deactivated old station of the quarry, in which work is not being conducted and is not planning to. And the land, on which according to the license, the work is conducted, is located behind five-hundred meters zone.

So, not everything that is #Rudomain is red!

The Channel “Priamoy” got a warning for the manipulative video about “Rudomain”

Rudomain sent a complaint to the Comission of Ethics of Journalists, considering that video named "The football club being developed for Zelenskyi in exchange for the health of his homies" contains allegations, which disseminate fake and unreliable information about the company, data is set out falsely, in one-sided and tendentcious way.

The company thinks, that information is published on the open site and is spread in the Internet network for a wide range of users, and it destroys the reputation of claimants in the eyes of unlimited circle of people and gives a mistaken base to associate claimants as unreliable, unfair humans, who works illegally, connected with the criminal world.

The Comission had analized the content of the video, which was edited by "Priamoy" channel, and fixed the violations on p.8 and p.10 of the Code of Ethics of Ukrainian Journalists and issued a warning to "Priamoy" chanel.

The workers of the “Rudomain” company insist on protection of their company from attacks.

The workers of Kryvyi Rih mining company "Rudomain", which develops the "Yuzhnyi" quarry, require to protect their company from frivolous attacks, unprecedented pressure and threats of wrongful closure. This was said on the rally, where about 200 workers of the company were presented.

"The unprecedented pressure and informational attack is being pushed towards the "Rudomain" from bloggers with doubtful reputation, pseudo ecologists, who make their livings blackmailing companies, and activists with frankly criminal past. Their goal is to close the company. And if that happens, where will we go to work? In Poland to do strawberry-picking?" — said Deputy Director for Production Serhiy Medvedev. – "Exactly with this kind of attacks, which "Rudomain" experiences right now, the hostile takeovers of businesses starts."

In response to the requests to close the company and to fill up the quarry, ecologist of the “Rudomain” company Natalia Lykhacheva said: “It is impossible, because recultivation of quarry, where there are ore reserves, is prohibited. The stop of work of the company will end with residents of nearby houses left with a huge hole and ecology problems one-on-one. It is obvious that nobody will do even the dust-suppression.”

She reminded that according to the results of half of the year, the share of “Rudomain” in the environmental pollution of Kryvyi Rih is only 0,1%.

“By the way, the company pays only 50 millions of taxes to the city. Who will pay for the free ride of citizens in the trolleybuses? — said the chief of the precinct of the company Vladimir Dubinin. — 1200 workers are working in the company, behind each of them there is family: children, relatives, old parents. People, who are depending on the well-being of the company, are nearly three times more in number. And they will be left without bread and butter.”

The outcome of the rally is the petition, made by the workers of the company, which will be sent to the city government of Kryvyi RIh, and also to the security forces.

“Rudomain”: The state ecology inspenction hasn’t fixed any significant violations in the work of the company.

The specialists of the State ecology inspection during the check of “Rudomain” company fixed minor violations, which don’t have serious impact on the environment and will be eliminated in the near future. Company thinks it is necessary to give explanation of these facts.

The State ecology inspection fixed: Failure to comply with the conditions of the EIA conclusion with the regard of blasting operations at a minimum speed.

Rudomain: This is about consideration of the wind rose during explosions. It has nothing to do with seismic and sound impact or the power of the blast. But company implements necessary measurements during explosions. In no way this issue is not a damage assessment, which can be caused by the blasts.

The State ecology inspection fixed: Inconsistency in sanitary-epidemiological service conclusions about justification of the sanitary protection zone size for the station #2 to the “South” quarry due to factual condition of the company on productivity indicators of the quarry. Failure to provide rigorous disclosure considering all kinds of pollutant emissions, including dust, during massive explosions, in the process of preparing the report on the EIA. The materials of inventory of pollute emissions and the permission for the air emissions do not meet the factual condition.

Rudomain: The listed facts, which The State ecology inspection paid their attention to, address to discrepancies, that arose when applying criteria of the operating quarry to the station, where there is no active ore mining yet.

The State ecology inspection fixed: The failure to implement measures to decrease pollutant emissions, including those ones which were provided for by city ecology program.

Rudomain: This is about recommendation to use special binders on technological roads of the quarry. The company has already ordered scientific work, in which the effective dust-suppression methods on the automobile roads of the quarry will be provided.

The State ecology inspection fixed: Failure to provide the documents of the object in order to be entered in the state accounting, which causes or may cause harmful effects on human health and air-quality.

Rudomain: This violation arose because of bureaucratic requirements while regular submission of statistical data about the activity of the company. Let’s highlight that this comment doesn’t concern productive activities.

The State ecology inspection fixed: Failure to provide reliable information while preparing the report about EIA in the part of using rate, that take into account the moisture of the material.

Rudomain: EIA shows average amount of the moisture rate. But moisture is constantly changing, and this is confirmed by the certificates of accredited laboratory. That’s why sometimes there are differences between actual figures and those, that are mentioned in EIA. After presentation of requirements about elimination of identified violations by the State ecology inspection, the “Rudomain” company will surely complete it. “Rudomain” pays attention to the fact that on those stations, where ore mining happens, violations have not been identified” – commented the general director of the company Vladimir Kolos.

“Rudomain” became the partner of “The Iron Hundred” bike-a-thon

Thanks to “Rudomain” for the first time in the Ukrainian history participants of industrial MTB“The Iron Hundred”bike-a-thon rode a part of the route through the area named “Real Mars”, through the quarry nearby the real technical equipment, that temporarily stopped its work in the places where the marathon rout went.

“I’m very thankful to our company for the support of football club “Kryvbass”, sport, culture and such events. It is great, that “Rudomain” has these cultural and sport preferences,” – shared his impressions on a bike-a-thon Andrey Reznik, the company worker.

Together with more than 400 bicyclists he took part in the bike-a-thon, which went through the unique landscape of industrial legacy of KryvyiRih, riding through the interesting unpavedroads and paths.

“I’ve been into sport for long, and this is my third bike-a-thon. I’m doing this with joy every time and I’m very happy, that this is happens in our city, that physical culture and sport is developing here,” – said Andrey. – To ride through the quarry means to glorify our place, because it’s where the ore is mined, and these views are the rarity on our planet. And to see them, to look at that landscape and beauty is so wonderful!

It is nice, that we can ride through the quarry, and that company gave such an opportunity for people to see something extraordinary, that we can’t see on the common level”, – said Andrey.

Denis Dubov, the organizer of“The Iron Hundred” bike-a-thon, remarks the specialness of the event: “In Ukraine there is nowhere else you can find a place, where on the working company the real cycle race or any other sport event happens. Today it is really cool, and we hope that this will give a strong punch for the development of sport and industrial sport events, which take their place in KryvyiRih.”

We are very thankful to the “Rudomain” company,for the help they did to make this real “thing” of our marathon, which happens this year”, – said Denis.

“The conclusions of inspection will stop groundless accusations of the enterprise” – said the generaldirector of “Rudomain”

On September 20 an exceptional check from State Ecological Inspection started in “Rudomain” company and UMC (Ukrainian Maining Company). Before these events the companies were visited by the president of the State Ecological Inspection Andrey Malevanyi,  the head of the department of the state ecological supervision of industrial pollution Aleksandr Skalskyi, and vice-president of the committee of the Verkhovna Rada on the questions of ecological policy and  environmental management Elena Krivoruchkina. 

Guests visited quarries, which are being developed by the companies, they saw firsthand the scopes of ore mining, the technics and they had an opportunity to make sure that companies actually do dust suppression events. There are irrigation automobiles being used, the webs, that covers the piles, and even the snow blower, that sprays water in the quarry.

“The basis of this check is the complain of the KryvyiRih resident, who complained about the ambient air quality. She considers, that when quarry works, the emissions are spreading exactly on her territory.” – explained the reason of the check the president of the State Ecological Inspection Andrey Malevanyi. “We are thankful to the company for admission to visit the territory. The company is ready to contribute to inspection and committed to cooperate, it is ready to show the documents, it is open. I’m sure, that within 10 days we will be able to see the clear and objective picture.”

The head of the department of the state ecological supervision of industrial pollution Aleksandr Skalskyi noticed: “We haven’t found out any clear signs(violations) during our visit, so this is exactly what are we going to look out for during this inspection.”

He assured that the presence of other companies nearby the quarries, which also can negatively impact on the environment, will be included. “We need to objectively figure out either it is production activities exactly from this company, or some other influential factors,” – commented Aleksandr Skalskyi.

The general director of the “Rudomain” company Vladimir Kolos thinks, that the revision will help to stop manipulations around the company. “I hope, that conclusions of the specialists of the State ecological inspection will finally stop the groundless accusations of the enterprise.”

The main engineer of the “Rudomain” company SerhiyGenkulenko, who accompanied the visitors, is concerned with company is actually being under the pressure of the informational attack. “If you pay attention to the informational field, then it becomes obvious that there are a lot of talks and lies about exactly our company causing irreversible damage to the ecology of our city.”

But he is appealed with the fact that guests expressed a wish to objectively figure out the current situation around the enterprise and its activity.

“We are open, so please come, look at how we continue the activity of quarries, which have worked since the 1950s, and the work in them hadn’t stopped for a single day.”

We are literally continuing the business of our fathers and grandfathers. We are the indigenous people, almost all of our workers, we live here and work here. And we care about ecology and the future of our children”, - commented Serhiy Genkulenko.

FC «Kryvbass» introduced new official uniform in the Rudomain’s quarry.

FC «Kryvbass» together with their technical partner JOMA introduced new official uniform on 2021/2022 season.

«Together with great professionals «Zbroy.films» we really wanted to make something special and fascinating. Not a classic presentation on stadium or some roof, but a real action. I think, we managed it. But it’s not the end: later we will present backstage and video piece with presentation in 360° format» commented Artem Gagarin, vice-president of the club.

Video is fullfilled with deep meanings, which are mainly about principles and philosophy of the club. The filming was made in the quarry, which is developed by «Rudomain» company, the general partner of the club. The magnitude of the company, which conquers the nature, the power of technology and the labor of people – these are the basics of club’s stability and success. Representatives of Ukraine, Brazil and Moldova are standing in the raw in the uniform with the logo of one club, and this symbolizes the strong unity of the family, named FC «Kryvbass».

The representatives of the club, Denys Vasin, Roman Lyopka, Liliane Oliveira, Maria Anpilogova, Irina Topal and Vagner Gonçalves, are proudly standing in front of technics of the company «Rudomain», which literally extracts iron from the ground and is the moving power of the country’s industry. This is the story about system-forming calm power and force, as well as about devotion to the traditions of the native land.

But dynamics and movement has also found their place in the video piece. Camera with the speed up to 100 kilometers per hour easily dives on 100 meters into the quarry, and flies up with the same speed just like that. Exactly at this rate the development of Kryvyi Rih’s football happens after revival of the FC «Kryvbass» in 2020.   

On the new official «Kryvbass» uniform produced by JOMA a new partner appeared. It is Parimatch company, but also there are still old time-tested partners, such as:

  • «Rudomain» company, who is a general partner;
  • «Ukravit» company, who is #1 national expert in the field of plant protection.
  • «Sport Service» community, who is official distributor of JOMA trademark in Ukraine.
  • Fashion partner, «Strochka» brand: be trendy with «Strochka»!

Traditional colors, historical logo, club’s numbers and slogan «Our name is Kryvbass» features all of the club’s kits, and they are the tribute to the history of FC «Kryvbass».

Rudomine invests $100 million in Dolinsky Mining and Processing Plant

Rudomine has announced its readiness to launch a large-scale investment project - the construction of the Dolinsky Mining and Processing Plant. Rudomine and the Ministry of Strategic Industries have signed a memorandum to implement the project.

The capacity of Dolinsky Mining and Processing Plant will be 12.5 million tons per year for processing incoming iron ore and up to 3 million tons per year for the production of finished products - iron ore concentrate with a mass fraction of iron total 65-68%, as well as iron ore pellets with mass the share of total iron from 63 to 66%.

Crude iron ore will be supplied from the South and North quarries of the Saksaganskogo deposit, which are being developed by Rudomine and the Ukrainian Mining Company.

The enterprise will be located within the State Enterprise "Directorate of the Kryvyi Rih Mining and Processing Plant of Oxidized Ores" (KGZKOR) of the western part of Dolynska, Kirovohrad region. The period from the design stage to the launch of the mining and processing plant is 4 years.

“During the visit to KGZKOR, a potential investor was presented with a project that should revive the company. The total investment can be at least $100 million. I hope that the situation with the strategic enterprise for Ukraine will be resolved positively in the near future and will give a new breath to the population of Dolynska", said Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Strategic Industries Oleh Urusky.

He noted that the company was established under international cooperation in Soviet times and was of strategic importance, but is now in crisis. However, it is the only producer of water supply and sewerage services for Dolynska and the termination of its activities will lead to an environmental catastrophe. According to Oleg Urusky, the development of the enterprise is possible in a public-private partnership.

The head of the Kirovohrad Regional State Administration Maria Chorna believes that this project is beneficial for the region: “The main thing is the taxes that the Kirovohrad region will receive. The second is the social component: the plant has property - a hospital, a prophylactic clinic, a house of culture, etc., which could become communal property and be used by the Dolinsky community. "

"More than $100 million in investment is needed to launch the plant. We will spend 450 million hryvnias to repay previous debts. Part of the money - our company, part - a loan. But this is not only a business, but also a socially oriented project that will give impetus to the development of the city of Dolynska. This is almost $37 million in taxes and fees to the budget, the creation of 1,500 new jobs and attracting new residents and professionals to the city, more than $1 million to finance the city's social development", said Rudomine CEO Volodymyr Kolos.

   "We are convinced that the launch of such a large-scale investment project is only the first step towards reviving the industrial capacity of the city and region and, as a result, the prosperity of the whole country. "The 'reset' of the Dolinsky Mining and Processing Plant, which we initiated, is a story of revival and prosperity through investment," said Rudomine founder Konstantin Karamanitz.

Construction of KGZKOR began in 1985. In addition to the USSR, Romania, Czechoslovakia, the German Democratic Republic and Bulgaria took part in the construction. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Ukraine, Romania and Slovakia remained in the project. The plant is still unfinished - its readiness is estimated at about 70%, its construction has already spent more than $1.5 billion. Since August 2021, it has been assigned to the Ministry of Strategic Industries.